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284 misspelled results found for 'Uhf Radio'

Click here to view these 'uhf radio' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
45W SSB Linear Power Amplifier for Transceiver HF Radio Shortwave Radio

45W Ssb Linear Power Amplifier For Transceiver Hf Radio Shortwave Radio



Buy 45W SSB Linear Power Amplifier for Transceiver HF Radio Shortwave Radio

14d 3h 40m
Antenna Switch w/ Low Insertion Loss for Car Radio Walkie Talkie HF Radio Part

Antenna Switch W/ Low Insertion Loss For Car Radio Walkie Talkie Hf Radio Part



Buy Antenna Switch w/ Low Insertion Loss for Car Radio Walkie Talkie HF Radio Part

14d 10h 26m
1-piece SMA Plug To UHF Socket Adapter Cable Plug Converter For HF Radio Antenna

1-Piece Sma Plug To Uhf Socket Adapter Cable Plug Converter For Hf Radio Antenna



Buy 1-piece SMA Plug To UHF Socket Adapter Cable Plug Converter For HF Radio Antenna

14d 13h 56m
Antenna Switch w/ Low Insertion Loss for Car Radio Walkie Talkie HF Radio Part

Antenna Switch W/ Low Insertion Loss For Car Radio Walkie Talkie Hf Radio Part



Buy Antenna Switch w/ Low Insertion Loss for Car Radio Walkie Talkie HF Radio Part

14d 14h 25m
Effective 9 1 Balun for Connecting Long Wires to Ham It Up or HF Radio

Effective 9 1 Balun For Connecting Long Wires To Ham It Up Or Hf Radio



Buy Effective 9 1 Balun for Connecting Long Wires to Ham It Up or HF Radio

14d 15h 23m
DIY KITS 45W SSB Linear Power Amplifier For Transceiver HF Radio Shortwave

Diy Kits 45W Ssb Linear Power Amplifier For Transceiver Hf Radio Shortwave



Buy DIY KITS 45W SSB Linear Power Amplifier For Transceiver HF Radio Shortwave

14d 16h 23m
1Pcs 5.6M 201 Stainless Steel Whip Antenna Pull Rod for HF Radio Positive V8446

1Pcs 5.6M 201 Stainless Steel Whip Antenna Pull Rod For Hf Radio Positive V8446



Buy 1Pcs 5.6M 201 Stainless Steel Whip Antenna Pull Rod for HF Radio Positive V8446

14d 19h 10m
ICOM HF Radio 4-Pin Plug and Socket for Antenna Tuner ATU AT-120

Icom Hf Radio 4-Pin Plug And Socket For Antenna Tuner Atu At-120



Buy ICOM HF Radio 4-Pin Plug and Socket for Antenna Tuner ATU AT-120

14d 19h 37m
3.2W HF Radio Amplifier 700MHZ Wide Band Power For Radio Station

3.2W Hf Radio Amplifier 700Mhz Wide Band Power For Radio Station



Buy 3.2W HF Radio Amplifier 700MHZ Wide Band Power For Radio Station

14d 23h 48m
HF Radio Systems and Circuits by Edgar O. Schoenike, William E. Sabin...

Hf Radio Systems And Circuits By Edgar O. Schoenike, William E. Sabin...



Buy HF Radio Systems and Circuits by Edgar O. Schoenike, William E. Sabin...

15d 2h 28m

Vernier Russian Hf Radio Receiver Knob D=48Mm




15d 19h 46m

Vernier Russian Hf Radio Receiver Knob D=72Mm With Key




15d 20h 37m
The Worldwide Aeronautical HF Radio Handbook MARTYN COOKE  **see scans**

The Worldwide Aeronautical Hf Radio Handbook Martyn Cooke **See Scans**



Buy The Worldwide Aeronautical HF Radio Handbook MARTYN COOKE  **see scans**

16d 0h 43m
45W SSB Linear Power Amplifier for  HF Radio Shortwave

45W Ssb Linear Power Amplifier For Hf Radio Shortwave



Buy 45W SSB Linear Power Amplifier for  HF Radio Shortwave

16d 13h 56m
Forty-9er 3W HAM Radio QRP CW TRANSCEIVER HF Radio Telegraph Shortwave DIY KITS

Forty-9Er 3W Ham Radio Qrp Cw Transceiver Hf Radio Telegraph Shortwave Diy Kits



Buy Forty-9er 3W HAM Radio QRP CW TRANSCEIVER HF Radio Telegraph Shortwave DIY KITS

16d 14h 24m
KENWOOD 4 Pin Mic Jack to HF Radio's with 1/4 inch TRS Stereo Microphone Plug

Kenwood 4 Pin Mic Jack To Hf Radio's With 1/4 Inch Trs Stereo Microphone Plug



Buy KENWOOD 4 Pin Mic Jack to HF Radio's with 1/4 inch TRS Stereo Microphone Plug

16d 15h 57m
Rockwell  Collins  PRC-515- RU-20  Military  HF Radio Transceiver

Rockwell Collins Prc-515- Ru-20 Military Hf Radio Transceiver



Buy Rockwell  Collins  PRC-515- RU-20  Military  HF Radio Transceiver

16d 18h 37m
Rockwell Collins PRC-515- RU-20 Military HF Radio Transceiver

Rockwell Collins Prc-515- Ru-20 Military Hf Radio Transceiver



Buy Rockwell Collins PRC-515- RU-20 Military HF Radio Transceiver

16d 22h 28m
US Army USMC USN USAF Pilot's HF Radio Control Console Panel C-1399/ARC-38

Us Army Usmc Usn Usaf Pilot's Hf Radio Control Console Panel C-1399/Arc-38



Buy US Army USMC USN USAF Pilot's HF Radio Control Console Panel C-1399/ARC-38

17d 1h 30m
Military HF radio RUP-15 PD-8 - 17 MHz generator - BOARD 1600 (on schematic)

Military Hf Radio Rup-15 Pd-8 - 17 Mhz Generator - Board 1600 (On Schematic)



Buy Military HF radio RUP-15 PD-8 - 17 MHz generator - BOARD 1600 (on schematic)

17d 1h 53m

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